Dec 2, 2011

& Forward

So, here I am- finally I have gotten out of the depths of tumblr and managed to maybe get a little more 'adult' in my attempts at writing legitimately. I don't know how this is better, especially because of how few people are able to follow...but you guys can now leave COMMENTS on individual poems!
if you like a line, you can tell me! if you think something sucks, you can tell me!

in other news, this semester is almost over. halfway done with my junior year of college and what exactly do i have to show for it ?not much. and i don't know if i am supposed to have something to show, and if i am, i don't know what it is that i'm not showing. now comes the time when people ask, "so whats next?" and im tired of not having a solidified answer. i am tired of shrugging about it- but what is next? do i just submit somewhat completed poems to magazines and websites and journals while going to school, trying to get an internship at one of the few publications around tallahassee & really start making connections around the city? do i wait and graduate and put out another book of poetry myself, try to get into grad school somewhere nice with it, and work on getting a job at a publishing company as an editor or something similar? do i teach? what do i do to even have that be an option? 

im not even 21 yet, i don't think i should stress myself to death but a the same time, its like...there are kids who have their shit all planned out (at least with what they WANT to do....i dont even know what i WANT to do..."write poetry" isn't exactly a feasible agenda).

this is just me ranting. its all good. i'll hopefully have a new book of poetry by next month, and something with clare going by then too

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