Jan 25, 2012

III (or 9.87 m/s2)

you in the middle my arms
are springs uncoiling for such cushioning.
from the fourth floor up the drop
ain’t no fatal Friday but kiss your ankles goodbye.
eye contact is pulling teeth but more obviously visual.
this is a whole letter late.
a very late letter subpoenaed by a paler later rabbit.
if it were up to me, those cinder blocks
are what goes through the looking glass.
just to get the air less still.
its an exegesis of our community, no one
reads these things anyway unless they think
their names will be hidden in ever so.
like unboarding all of Baltimore’s fucked panes on the off chance
someone left the pilot light hot.
you in the middle of the hiss.
me still four floors up, my smoke only rises.
the only thing i remember from physics is how
we can only fall so fast.
oh yeah well who says
point ‘em out

a train leaves Philadelphia at
noon heading south & another departs from boston
half past eleven heading west
at what time do the passengers realize
they won’t ever see those tracks or those almost blurs again?
until he realizes she is on the very wrong train?
how big will the bruise be-
the self-inflicted shin kick- give measurements
in inches, round up to the nearest satellite & jump
it won’t hurt it can’t
the clouds have been such sufficient padding

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