Jan 2, 2012

new years

the first line is the hardest,
harder than finding space
between your fingers occupied
with champagne & the entire room.
elsewhere, enter the gap
between two fences where
no one looks where lips land.
someone left the hot tub waiting.
will you follow me blindly
if i promise not to look back
until we reach the surface?
we build things now just to topple
& count how many jumpers
make it. you can't make me
drink myself to Babylon.
i can't make you join me
in suspended gardens or anything
but i am in dire need of tending.
the first graze is certainly
quite possibly the last & these explosions
above us seem to strip us both
of what calm was collected.

then comes the break, an inhale.
the floors are slick with grooves
& dance with me already darling,
shimmy yourself my way.
i will think of something cunning
enough to only use my teeth
on the silk of your skin.
i want to taste you under
my hangover in the morning
for the rest of the week
until the carrion of my love
is found by lynx & relished.
it means nothing that it's past midnight
besides the changing of a final digit
on every check i forget to write.

the third time is charming.
persistence seems to key
every single car on our block & you
left your brights blazing in my driveway.
i'll be damned if i'm left
leaving bruises on my own thigh
should any volkswagons swerve on by.
be punch drunk with me & carry on
or be carried onward. have you forgotten
how close we are to the sea?
O fortune leave me wispless
while somehow i may whisper sweet
canes of luck into any angel's ears.
i will squeeze as much of a fuck
as i can out of tonight you just watch.
there's that hole between the fences.
if you or your friends should spark
veins of curiosity i will gladly
guide you between the wood & welcome
you to a different kind of wilderness.

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